Thursday, November 25, 2010

10 Natural Foods Detox

Natural Food Detox
The Natural Food Detox Plan. Did you know your body has the natural ability to rid itself of toxins and waste? However, most of us eat far more toxins than ...

Detox Foods: The Top Food to Eat During the Detoxification Process
2 Dec 2006 ... This article reviews the best diet choices during a detox.

10 Natural Foods Detox

When it comes to detoxing your body, there are many techniques you can follow and supplements you can take. But, the best way, is to eat lots of foods that detox the body. Below is a list of detox foods that I thought would be an great addition to everybody’s diet.

1. Fruits
Fruits are extremely high in liquid-content, helping the body wash out toxins. They are also very easy to digest and are high in antioxidants, nutrients, fiber and many important vitamins like vitamin C.

2. Green Foods
When you are ready to detox your body, fill your refrigerator with blue green algae, barley, wheatgrass, kale, spinach, spirulina, alfalfa, chard, arugula or other organic leafy greens. These plants will help give a chlorophyll-boost to your digestive tract.

Chlorophyll rids the body of harmful environmental toxins from smog, heavy metals, herbicides, cleaning products and pesticides. They also aid the liver in detoxification.

3. Lemons, Oranges & Limes
These citrus-wonders aid the body in flushing out toxins, as well as jump-start the digestive tract with enzymatic processes. They also aid the liver in its cleansing processes. To increase detoxification, start each morning with a warm glass of lemon water.

Remember, vitamin C is one of the best detox vitamins around, as it transforms toxins into digestible material.

4. Garlic
This pungent bulb stimulates the liver in producing detoxification enzymes that help filter out toxic residues in the digestive system. Adding sliced or cooked garlic to any dish, will help aid any detox diet.

5. Broccoli Sprouts
Extremely high in antioxidants, broccoli sprouts can help stimulate the detoxification enzymes in the digestive tract like none-other. The sprouts are actually more effective than the fully-grown vegetable, despite the picture on the right.

6. Green Tea
Packed full of antioxidants, green tea not only washes toxins out of the system through its liquid content, but also contains a special type of antioxidant called catechins, known to increase liver function.

7. Mung Beans
The mighty mung bean has been used by Ayurvedic doctors for thousands of years. It is incredibly easy to digest, and absorbs toxic residue on the sides of the intestinal walls.

8. Raw Vegetables
Best for juicing detox regimens or eaten raw: Onions, carrots, artichoke, asparagus, broccoli, cabbage, kale, brussel sprouts, cauliflower, garlic, beet, turmeric, and oregano. The combination of these foods will help your liver purge toxins during the cleansing process. These are high in naturally occurring sulphur and glutathione. Sulphur helps the liver detoxify harmful chemicals.

9. Seeds & Nuts
Incorporate more of the easily digestible seeds and nuts into your diet. This include flaxseed, pumpkin seeds, almonds, walnuts, hemp seeds, sesame seeds, chia seeds, Siberian cedar nuts and sunflower seeds. While detoxing, avoid nut butters.

10. Omega-3 Oils
Use hemp, flax-seed, avocado or olive oils while detoxing. This will help lubricate the intestinal walls, allowing the toxins to be absorbed by the oil, and eliminated by the body.

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Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Vegetarian Mushroom Soup : ซุปเห็ดเจ

Vegetarian Mushroom Soup Recipe: A Tasty Vegetarian (Or Vegan!) Mushroom Soup
31 May 2009 ... Try this tasty, non-traditional mushroom soup on a cold winter day or in the comfort of an air-conditioned home during summer.

Vegan Mushroom Soup Recipes
January 13, 2007, 12:47:36 AM by recipes. *, Cream of Mushroom Soup ..... Vegan World Fusion Cuisine, ===> Vegetarian Soups for All Seasons ...

Vegetarian Soup Recipes
Our favourite vegetarian soup recipes, from warming winter soups to ... Creamy Mushroom Soup is a good example of a soup that came about because the ...

ซุปเห็ดเจ : Vegetarian Mushroom Soup


  • เห็ดแชมปิยองกระป๋อง ใช้แต่เนื้อเห็ด 200 กรัม
  • น้ำมันมะกอก (เจ) 50 กรัม
  • แป้งสาลี 200 กรัม
  • น้ำซุปผัก 2500 กรัม
  • ซุปผงหรือก้อนรสเห็ดหอม 200 กรัม
  • ใบกระวาน 200 กรัม
  • เต้าหู้หลอด 100 กรัม
  • เกลือป่น 200 กรัม
  • พริกไทยป่น 30 กรัม
  • เห็ดแชมปิยองหั่นบางๆ สำหรับแต่งหน้าซุป ¼ ถ้วยตวง
  1. ตั้งหม้อซุปใส่น้ำมันมะกอก ใส่แป้งสาลีผัดเร็วๆ พอเข้ากัน แล้วค่อยๆ ใส่น้ำซุปผัก ซุปผงรสเห็ดหอม คนให้แป้งละลาย
  2. ใส่เห็ดแชมปิยองลงไปครึ่งหนึ่ง และใบกระวาน เคี่ยวไฟอ่อน คอยคนไม่ให้แป้งติดก้นหม้อ พอแป้งสุกดีพักไว้ให้เย็น
  3. ปั่นเต้าหู้หลอด พร้อมด้วยส่วนผสมข้อที่ 1 เทใส่หม้อซุป ใส่เห็ดแชมปิยองหั่นเป็นแผ่นบางที่เหลือลงไป
  4. ต้มเคี่ยวจนกระทั่งซุปข้นได้ที่ ปรุงรสด้วยเกลือป่น พริกไทยป่น ก่อนเสิร์ฟแต่งด้วยเห็ดแชมปิยอง พริกไทยและเต้าหู้หลอดปั่น

Vegetarian Mushroom Soup : ซุปเห็ดเจ

Mushroom Soup Cube - ซุปผงหรือก้อนรสเห็ดหอมMushroom Soup Cube - ซุปผงก้อนรสเห็ดหอม

  • 200 g. Sliced Champignon Mushrooms
  • 50 g. Olive Oil (Vegetable Oil)
  • 200 g. wheat flour
  • 2500 g. Vegetable Stock
  • 200 g. Mushroom Soup Cube
  • 200 g. Bay leaf
  • 100 g. Soft Tofu
  • 200 g. Granulated Salt
  • 30 g. Pepper Powder
  • ¼ cup of Sliced Champignon Mushrooms (for decoration on the top of soup)

  1. Set a pot, add olive oil, flour and mix them together quickly. Then slowly pour with vegetable stock and mushroom soup cube. Stir until flour are dissolved.
  2. Add a half of sliced champignon mushrooms, bay leaf then simmer on a low heat. Keep always stir until done because flour will stick at the bottom of pot. Then leave it cool down.
  3. Spinning tofu with ingredient in No.1, add all in the pot. Then throw the left-over sliced champignon mushrooms.
  4. Boil and simmer until to thick soup, then season with salt and pepper. Decorating with sliced champignon mushrooms, pepper powder and tofu before serving.

Crock Pot Cream of Mushroom Soup - Easy Vegetarian Crock Pot Soup Recipe - Easy Crock Pot Recipe - Vegetarian Soup Recipe
This cream of mushroom soup recipe is slow cooked for hours to really let ... Crock Pot French Onion Soup - Vegetarian Crock Pot Recipe - Vegan Crockpot . ...

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